मेरो सपनाको नेपाल

विश्वका सफल व्यक्तिहरु भन्छन सपना देख, असफल व्यक्तिहरु भन्छन धेरै सपना नदेख…| सपना देख्नुपर्छ, उदेश्य राख्नुपर्छ तर तेसै अनुरुप कार्यसम्पादन पनि| महाकवि लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटाले तेसै भनेका होइनन् ‘उदेश्य के लिनु उडी छुनु चन्द्र एक’ भनेर| दशकौ देखि हामि नेपालीले किन विकाश गर्न सकेनौं? हामी संगैका मुलुकहरु आज कहाँ पुगी सके, हामी किन उधो गतिमा छौ?

सामान्यतया गाँस, बाँस, कपास अनि शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य र रोजगार मान्छेका आधारभूत आवश्यकताहरु हुन्| जब मान्छे यी सबै कुरा प्राप्त गर्दछ तब मात्र उसले संस्कारका कुरा, स्वाभिमानका कुरा, रास्ट्रियताका कुरा गर्दछ| आज भन्दा दुई-सय बर्ष अगाडी नै विश्वमा एक छत्र राज जमाएर बसेको ब्रिटिश साम्राज्यसंग हाम्रा पुर्खा लडेका हुन् रास्ट्र र राष्ट्रियताका खातिर| त्यतिबेला नेपाल खाद्यान्नमा आत्म निर्भर थियो| नेपालको चामल कोरियासम्म पुग्थ्यो| आज हामी चामल आयात गर्दै छौ, दुर्गममा रोग भोक र अशिक्षा व्याप्त छन्, मुलुक अन्य मुलुकहरुको दाजोमा धेरै पछाडी परि सकेको अवस्था छ| तर पनि नेपालीहरु रास्ट्रियताको कुरा छोड्दैनन्| यो खोक्रो आडम्बर भन्दा पनि हाम्रो  विशेषता हो |

२००७ साल यता मुलुकमा थुप्रै राजनैतिक परिवर्तनहरु भए, थुप्रै शासन-प्रणालीहरु फेरिए, जनताले अनगिन्ति सपनाहरु देखे तर अधिकांस सपनाहरु तेसै टुटेर गए, अहिले सम्म पुरा भएका छैनन् | अझै पनि सपना देख्न भने छोडेका छैनन् | छोड्नु पनि हुदैन| कुनै न कुनै दिन ति सपनाहरु कुनै न कुनै मध्यमबाट प्राप्त हुने नै छन् | म पनि एक निम्न मध्यम वर्गीय परिवारमा जन्मेको नेपाली हु, मेरा पनि सपनाहरु छन् |

सबै नेपालीले खान पाएको, लाउन पाएको| शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य र रोजगारी पाएको| शान्ति सुरक्षा र अमन चैन पाएको सपना |

आलंकारिक राजतन्त्र, प्रत्यछ निर्वाचित प्रधानमन्त्री, र ‘छ’ ओटा प्रदेश भएको नेपाल देखेको छु| सबै धर्म, जाती, र भाषा-संस्कृतिको उच्च सम्मान, संरक्षण, र प्रवर्धन भएको सपना देखेको छु|

दुई ठुला अर्थतन्त्र चिन र भारत बीच रहेको मेरो सुन्दर राष्ट्र शान्त र समृद्ध भएको सपना देखेको छु | ति देसका धनि ब्यापारी, कलाकार र राजनीतिज्ञहरुले नेपाली बैंकहरुमा पैसा जम्मा गरेको सपना देखेको छु|

देशको प्रमुख उधोग, पर्यटन रहेको, विश्वभरिका शाहसी पर्यटक, धार्मिक पर्यटक, सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक र पर्या-पर्यटकहरुको ओइरो लागेको सपना देखेको छु | किशानहरुले प्रांगारिक खेति गरी, पर्यटकहरुलाई स्थानीय खाना खुवाई, होमस्टेमा सुताएर कृषि-पर्यटन गरेको सपना देखेको छु|

गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा दिने भौतिक सुबिधा सम्पन्न नेपालका युनिभर्सिटीहरुमा पढ्न अन्य मुलुकका विध्यार्थीहरुले तछाड-मछाड गरेको सपना देखेको छु | एसियाकै शैशिक गन्तव्य (education hub) नेपालमा, पढ्न नपाएर रोएको देखेको छु| जैविक-विभिधता सम्बन्धि अन्तरास्ट्रिय अध्ययन केन्द्र, जुम्लामा पढ्न युरोप अमेरिकाका बिद्यार्थीहरु आएको देख्या छु |

मैले पूर्व-पश्चीम विधुतीय रेल चडी ह्विकने सपना देखेको छु | बिहानै इलामको चिया खाएर दिउसो को खाना महेन्द्रनगर पुगी खाने सपना छ| चिनबाट आएको रेलले मार्फाका स्याउ बोकेर काठमाण्डौ ल्याई भारत सम्म लागेको को देख्या छु | केबलकार कार चडी खप्तड घुम्न गएको, दार्चुलाका चौरीको दुध र छुर्पी खादै, च्यांग्राको पस्मिनाको गलबन्दी लगाई धनि भोटेहरुसंग गफ हानेको सपना देखेको छु| जलमार्गको पानी-जहाज चडी लुम्बिनी घुमेको सपना देखको छु |

यस्तै अनेक सपनाहरु देख्या छु जहाँ नेपालीहरुको तन स्वस्थ, मन सफा छ, नेपाल सुन्दर, शान्त र समृद्ध छ| सपनाहरु बाढ्नु होइन भन्छन, तेस्मा पनि पनि पटक पटक सपना देखेर टुटेका नेपालीहरुले त अब सपना देख्न पनि छोडी सके| सपनाको मात्रै खेति गर्नु राम्रो पनि होइन  तर पनि ति सबै देख्छु, ति सपना हरु छिटै पुरा हुन्छन नै जस्तो पनि लाग्छ| तर थाहा छैन कैले| 🙂

Agriculture and ICT

Agriculture is the basis of life. It has been practiced from the dawn of human civilization. With the advancement of Science and technology, world is becoming a Global village and agriculture is turning to an attractive industry. Information Communication technology (ICT) is also a major key factor to make all this possible.

Agriculture is the sector of high risk and uncertainties and most vulnerable for the threats of climate change. Though it has to fed the increasing population pressure from the decreasing (due to use of productive land for the shelter and urbanization of growing population) productive land and availability of the natural resources. ICTs such as the Internet, networked computers, mobile phones, and smart phones are the latest in a long line of technologies (the newspaper, telegraph, telephone, radio, and television) that support risk management practices by collecting, processing, distributing, and exchanging information. (World Bank 2007).ICT play an important role in addressing challenges and uplifting the livelihoods of the farmers .

Enhancing agricultural production by increasing the efficiency, productivity and sustainability of small scale farms is an area where ICT can make a significant contribution. Farming involves risks and uncertainties, with farmers facing many threats from poor soils, drought, erosion and pests. Key improvements stem from information about pest and disease control, especially early warning systems, new varieties, new ways to optimize production and regulations for quality control. Awareness of up-to-date market information on prices for commodities, inputs and consumer trends can improve farmers’ livelihoods substantially and have a dramatic impact on their negotiating position. Such information is instrumental in making decisions about future crops and commodities and about the best time and place to sell and buy goods. Many NGOs are also working for the market access, for example SMILES-Nepal is providing farmers information through mobile-SMS about the disease pests control and also about Market price to sell at higher demand and to get the greater market price of farm commodities in Sindhuli district of Nepal.

ICT also play major role in capacity-building and empowerment of farmers, farmer communities and farmer organizations/groups and better represent their constituencies when negotiating input and output prices, land claims, resource rights and infrastructure projects. ICT enables rural communities to interact with other stakeholders, thus reducing social isolation. It widens the perspective of local communities in terms of national or global developments, opens up new business opportunities and allows easier contact with friends and relatives. Combining old and new media is most successful, such as videos of good practices, rural Dramas, TV and radio broadcasts, which all provide input for local innovation and motivation , for example a TV program Sajha Sawal by BBC media group showed some successful farmers of the country which brings the great impacts on the youth to attract in agriculture. One modal Wireless communication system Started by Ramon Magsaysay Award Winner, Mahabir Pun, initially in three districts (Myagdi, Kaski, and Parbat) of Nepal has also shown the utility and implications for the agriculture. Farmers can search for Labors, commodities, farm products, goat, Buffalos and also can purchase and exchange them through wireless internet. ICT used by local communities is subject to rapid change. Use of mobile phones has seen an enormous increase in recent years, especially in rural areas in Nepal. For rural exchange of products and labor and also for the Planning at different levels from farmers to ministries, ICT is increasingly being used.It is generally accepted that information to sustain and increase agricultural production is spread over different agencies, notably farmers, universities, research institutes, extension services, commercial enterprises, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Local Indigenous knowledge on good practices and lessons learned about innovations is generally not captured. Information should be presented in an appropriate format in order to be effectively used by rural communities. Messages through videos in local languages have proved to be effective.

The different phases of agriculture are cultivation, purchasing of inputs, fertilization, irrigation, disease pest management, harvesting, packaging, food preservation, food processing/value addition, quality management, food safety, food storage, and food marketing. All stakeholders of agriculture industry need information and knowledge about these phases to manage them efficiently. Any system applied for getting information and knowledge for making decisions in any industry should deliver accurate, complete, concise information in time or on time. The main focus of this article is to show the picture how the achievements of IT can be applied in Agriculture sector and its development in the developing country like Nepal. Other main applications of ICT in Agriculture sector are listed below:

● Global Positioning System (GPS):

In agriculture, the use of the Global Positioning System provides benefits in geo-fencing, map-making and surveying. GPS receivers dropped in price over the years, making it more popular for civilian use. With the use of GPS, civilians can produce simple yet highly accurate digitized map without the help of a professional cartographer.

● Geographic information systems (GIS):

Geographic information system/s, are extensively used in agriculture, especially in precision farming. Land is mapped digitally, and pertinent geodetic data such as topography and contours are combined with other statistical data for easier analysis of the soil. GIS is used in decision making such as what to plant and where to plant using historical data.



●Agricultural resources and services management

●Computer-aided manufacturing, Computer-aided design

●Office automation

Recently in Nepal, some apps like ‘ICT for Agriculture’ (award winner app of Ncell App Camp 2014), ‘Smart Krishi’ etc are developed for the literate youths and entrepreneurs to give the reliable information of the agriculture sector for promoting Agribusiness and to attract the youth in agriculture. Group of ten students of IAAS (Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science), Paklihawa Campus, Rupandehi are also trying to focus the need and essence of ICT in agriculture sector for both the agriculture students and farmers to enhance their skills and knowledge through training entitled ‘ICT4AG Handprint Challenge’ which is funded by South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN). In this way, different personnel from the different walks of life are involved in the development of ICT for promoting and supporting Agriculture, which is the main occupation of Nepalese people, by utilizing her climatic diversities and regulating the Youth Drainage.